Oral Health Oral Health
SDH & OHS Internet



Orthodontics involves:

  • Aligning crooked teeth,
  • Correcting poorly aligned jaws

This is often in collaboration with other specialists.

Am I eligible?

Please check if you are eligible for care in the public oral health service by clicking here.

In addition, to be treated in the public dental system patients must be assessed as meeting the referral criteria (i.e. moderate to severe). This is determined by the Orthodontic Specialist Service. Treatment is not available for cosmetic reasons alone.

For more information on the eligibility criteria of Specialist Services please refer to the current NSW Health Policy.

How can I use this service?

  1. Patients must first be seen by their local community oral health clinic. The clinic will write a referral to our department.
  2. Once the referral letter is received, patients wait for a consultation (assessment) appointment. This appointment is to determine if you meet eligibility criteria for orthodontic treatment in the public dental system.
  3. Following your consultation appointment, patients who are eligible will be placed on the Orthodontic Treatment waiting list. Patients who are not eligible will need to see private orthodontists.

What should I bring to my first appointment?

To find out what you should bring to your appointment, click here.

How do I get there?

To plan your journey to the clinic click here to find the best way of getting here.

What to expect at your appointment

The First Appointment

Your first appointment will be for a consultation (assessment) only. You will be advised if you will be accepted for Orthodontic treatment based on the Specialist Referral Policy. We will talk with you about your bite issues and your treatment. We will also check your dental hygiene. If you are accepted for treatment you will be placed on the treatment waiting list.

Please be advised treatment waiting lists are very long.

Your eligibility cards must be current when your treatment starts.

Once Treatment Begins
Once you have reached the top of the treatment waiting list, treatment can begin. Options for treatment will be explained to you and a treatment plan will be worked out that both you and we are happy with. Orthodontic treatment requires a big commitment and discipline.
Treatment is lengthy and it requires excellent oral hygiene (tooth cleaning) throughout. Patients must be prepared to attend Sydney Dental Hospital for multiple visits, often over many years.

Who will I meet at my appointment?

You will meet your Orthodontist, dental hygienist and dental assistant. Your treatment may be completed by an Orthodontist or an Orthodontist in training, supervised by a qualified Specialist Orthodontist.

